Saturday, 21 September 2013

ETS2 eddie stobart fans


While looking through facebook i found this page and thought to share it for any Eddie Stobart fans who play euro-truck 2 simulator.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Sunday, 8 September 2013

SCS Software's blog: Change of Topic (and Continent!)

SCS Software's blog: Change of Topic (and Continent!): There is going to be an avalanche of information, images, and movies from Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East! add-on coming at you during ...

SCS Software's blog: Gold!

SCS Software's blog: Gold!: The first expansion of Euro Truck Simulator 2 - "Going East!" - is officially completed (in games industry jargon, it has "g...

SCS Software's blog: Going East! Almost there!

SCS Software's blog: Going East! Almost there!: Today we are giving our publishing partners so called "Release Candidates" of the upcoming ETS2 add-on. We have been in testing p...

SCS Software's blog: Back from GamesCom 2013

SCS Software's blog: Back from GamesCom 2013: With over 300,000 attendees, GamesCom is the biggest game expo in the world. During our 2-day stay at the event, we spent a total of 90 min...

SCS Software's blog: The New Volvo FH Series news

SCS Software's blog: The New Volvo FH Series news: We know that we haven't been sharing much news recently about a highly-demanded that truck we have under development ( see the results ...

SCS Software's blog: Hosted Blog Post - Impressions from the DLC

SCS Software's blog: Hosted Blog Post - Impressions from the DLC: The following is a direct transcript of text written by a long-term fan and supporter of our games, currently helping us with beta testing...

SCS Software's blog: What kind of music do you think fits best for a Tr...

SCS Software's blog: What kind of music do you think fits best for a Tr...: Today we have another poll for you. What kind of music do you think is the best fit for a Trucking Game? Below the poll we have collected...

SCS Software's blog: Going East!

SCS Software's blog: Going East!: After a long development time, finally the first Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on is undergoing final beta testing. Some online stores have al...

SCS Software's blog: Euro Truck Simulator 2 update 1.4.8

SCS Software's blog: Euro Truck Simulator 2 update 1.4.8: We have done a lot of work on ironing out the last remaining issues in the 1.4.x line update, and finally today it looks like we have a ver...

SCS Software's blog: Public Beta Experiment Goes On

SCS Software's blog: Public Beta Experiment Goes On: Stabilizing the 1.4.x patch has been taking a lot of work, and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the open beta testing. Se...

SCS Software's blog: Help us Help You!

SCS Software's blog: Help us Help You!: We have been working on the recent game update for several months, spending a ton of time on fixing, testing, and re-testing again and agai...

SCS Software's blog: Patch time!

SCS Software's blog: Patch time!: Finally, after a long testing process, we are ready to release Euro Truck Simulator 2 patch to version 1.4. We thank you for your pati...

SCS Software's blog: ETS2 Steam Trading Cards

SCS Software's blog: ETS2 Steam Trading Cards: If you prefer to play Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Steam , and happen to be bored waiting for the ETS2 patch to appear, soon we will...

SCS Software's blog: A bit of Hungary

SCS Software's blog: A bit of Hungary: Today we would like to bring you another peek from the upcoming DLC. This time it is several views from roads and highways in Hungary. Ther...

SCS Software's blog: WORLD of TRUCKS !!!

SCS Software's blog: WORLD of TRUCKS !!!: Today we would like to present you with a microscopic glimpse into what we hinted earlier - our long standing devotion to Euro Truck S...

SCS Software's blog: Which truck do you drive the most in Euro Truck Si...

SCS Software's blog: Which truck do you drive the most in Euro Truck Si...: Reading your comments on the blog gives us great feedback and inspiration for our current and future developments. Yet we always seek for m...

SCS Software's blog: New Stralis Hi-Way on the streets of Slovakia

SCS Software's blog: New Stralis Hi-Way on the streets of Slovakia: We have been writing earlier  about the new Iveco Stralis Hi-Way being cooked in "our labs." We would like to show you some more ...

SCS Software's blog: Warning - ETS2 scam!

SCS Software's blog: Warning - ETS2 scam!: We have received a warning about something going on which may cause a lot of grief to people falling in for the scheme. Here is a quote of ...

SCS Software's blog: Euro Truck Simulator 2 first DLC sneak peek (Part ...

SCS Software's blog: Euro Truck Simulator 2 first DLC sneak peek (Part ...: Hi there, While developing the DLC, we realized that we were bumping the limits of our technology and tool chain. In order to be able to ...